Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Come From Behind

The last two weeks the Houston Texans have come from behind to win their games.  Every team gets behind in a game at some time and to come back and win shows strength, focus, character, etc.  Hopefully the Texans will not make a habit of this as they have some tough teams ahead and come-backs may be harder to come by.

What gets me are the players/teams that are known for their come from behind wins.  You have to wonder why it is that these players/teams get behind and come back to win on a regular basis.  If they are so so "good" why don't they play like that all game long?  To me it seems that it would make life that much easier if you started out ahead and strived to stay there until the end of the game; wins would be less stressful.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Good Gum

Some of my fondest memories as a youngster was collecting hockey cards. After saving your allowance you headed off to the convenience store to buy a pack of eight cards for 15 cents (yes I am that old).  The added joy of each package was the included piece of bubble gum.  The gum tended to be "dusty" (hopefully leaving the top card of your pack unscathed) and hard.  If the card/gum had been sitting around for a while there was a good chance you could cut up your cheek and/or chip a tooth.  It's a shame they no longer include gum in sports cards; today's youth is missing out on one of life's pleasures.